Sherry Sirch

Receptionist  / Kamloops

T: 250.372.5542

After two decades of Fridays and covering holiday time, Sherry is our key point of contact. Handling the busy volume of all types of traffic with practiced ease, Sherry’s depth of knowledge on office procedures and practices is impressive. Plus, she’s our go-to for anything related to the security systems, and she keeps track of our whole office – if you’re looking for anyone, ask Sherry – she’ll know!

Around our office, Sherry is known as the sunny smile that greets visitors, the air traffic controller for all deliveries and mail, the re-router of all telephone calls, and so much more. A professional, clear communicator, Sherry maintains an ever-positive, flexible attitude – her dedication to doing a great job shines through everything she does.

Outside of the office, Sherry enjoys long walks, hiking and travel vacations with her hubby of 32 years, Steve. If she’s not out exploring, Sherry is probably re-inventing recipes to cater to those with food allergies (like herself), then having friends over to sample her creations. Sherry also likes to make her own hand soap, household cleaners and hand sanitizers – “Why pay for something you can make or fix yourself!?” Sherry says.

Webinar Alert

Safety First: Your Obligations for Due Diligence in the Workplace.